Cé nach raibh an aimsir ró-iontach, bhí ár ndaltaí thar barr! Ghlac ár ranganna sinsireachta, ó 4 go 6, páirt go fonnmhar i rásanna trastíre, eagraithe ag Cumann Lúthchleasaíochta N. Labhrás Uí Thuathail. Ní hamháin gur ghnóthaigh siad lear mór de bhoinn aonair sna rásanna éagsúla ach níos tabhachtaí fós, bronnadh príomh dhuais an lae orthu, don ghrúpa is mó a léirigh rannphártaíocht agus spiorad foirne agus comhthacaíochta. Bhronn na hurraithe Affidea, dearbháin de luach €500 orainn, airgead a chaithfear ar bhreis fearais spóirt, i gcomhairle le hAontas na Macléinn.
The weather wasn’t great, but our pupils certainly were! Our 3 senior classes for 4th to 6th represented An Ghaelscoil with aplomb in the cross county races organised by St. Laurence O’ Toole’s Athletic club. Gaelscoil pupils won many medals in the various races but most importantly, our children took the award for the best sportsmanship on the day, supporting each other and indeed children from other schools. The sponsors, Affidea, presented us with vouchers to the value of €500, which will go towards more sport equipment,to be selected with the help of the Student Council.

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