by Gaelscoil Admin | May 21, 2013 | Announcement
There were huge celebrations in the Gaelscoil today when our boys’ hurling team won the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Division 1 hurling title. This means that our boys have won the “double” -meaning the Division 1 football title this school year.
by Gaelscoil Admin | May 15, 2013 | Uncategorized
Guímid gach beannacht orthu go léir a mbeidh an Chéad Chomoineach Naofa á ghlacadh acu i Séipéal an Teaghlaigh Naofa, Easca ar 11.00 ar an Sathairn seo . We wish every blessing on the children who will receive First Holy Communion in Holy Family Church Askea at 11.00...
by Gaelscoil Admin | May 15, 2013 | Activities
Beidh grúpa de pheileadóirí na scoile ag taisteal go Gaeltacht Rath Chairn i gCo. na Mí chun imirt i mbliots peile eagraithe ag Gael Linn . Rachaidh ochtar déag ar fad, naonúr buachaill agus naonúr cailín, agus fanfaidh siad thar oíche. Beidh foirne ann ó chontaetha...
by Gaelscoil Admin | May 1, 2013 | Activities, Announcement, General
Dear Parents/ Guardians, We are undertaking a self-evaluation of teaching and learning in our school. Our current focus is on Enrichment and Correctness in Gaeilge (Irish). To help us in our evaluation, we would be very grateful for your views and opinions . The...
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