Bhí an Fhleadh Cheoil ar siúl sa Bhuiríos i rith shaoire na Cásca i mbliana agus ghlac slua mór de pháistí ó Rang 2 – Rang 6 páirt ‘sna comórtaisí aonair agus grúpa. D’éirigh le grúpa sinsir na scoile an chéad áit a bhaint amach agus portanna ar nós “Planxty Eleanor Plunkett”, “Old John’s Jig” agus “Croí na Gaelscoile” á gcasadh acu. Bhí cúigear ar an bhfeadóg mhór, ceathrar ar an gconsairtín chomh maith le bosca ceoil agus fidil. Bronnadh boinn ar ghrúpa mór de sheinnteoirí aonair freisin. Buíochas ó chroí leis na múinteoirí a oibríonn leis na páistí chun an ceol traidisiúnta a choiméad beo agus mar chuid lárnach sa Ghaelscoil. Buíochas speisialta leis an Múinteoir Brían a d’ullmhaigh na páistí agus a thaisteal leo ar an lá.

The Fleadh was held in Borris this year and many of our students from second class to sixth took part in both the individual and group competitions over the Easter holidays. Our senior group took first place,having played “Planxty Eleanor Plunkett”,”Old John’s Jig” and our own “Croí na Gaelscoile”. There were 6 flute players, 4 children on concertina as well as box and fiddle players. There were also many individual medals won on the day. Many thanks to the all teachers who work with and inspire the children to keep traditional music as a vibrant part of the Gaelscoil. Special thanks to An M. Brian who prepared the groups and traveled with them on the day.
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