Thug Lee-Ann ó Nore Valley Farm na huibheacha léi ar maidin agus mhínigh sí an córas goradh do na páistí. Beidh na huibheacha lonnaithe i seomra 4 agus coiméadfaidh páistí uile na scoile súil ghéar ar chúrsaí! Tá an córas ceangailte leis an gcuraclam tríd an Eolaíocht agus an OSPS ach níos tabhachtaí fós, is deis ghleoite í do na páistí foghlaim faoi shaol nua! Beidh pictiúir de na sicíní le feiceáil anseo nuair a saolófar iad.

Lee-Ann from Nore Valley Farm brought us the eggs this morning and the children listened to her explain the hatching process. The eggs will be in An. Máireád’s room but all of the other classes will be able to visit to keep an eye on the proceedings. The process ties in very well with the Science and SPHE curricular areas but more importantly, it’s a lovely way for our pupils to enjoy the wonder of new life! We will post pictures of the chicks here on the school blog when they hatch!