Ghlac páistí uile Rang 1 – Rang 6 páirt i seirbhís charúl na Nollag ar an gCéadaoin seo caite, i séipéal an pharóiste. Tráthnóna speisialta a bhí ann le slua mór de pháistí ag seinm ar úirlisí traidisiúnta agus carúil ársa ar nós “Iosa sa Mháinséar” agus “Oíche Chiúin” , maraon le cinn nua aimseartha, á gcanadh ag an gcór uilig. Tá moladh speisialta tuillte ag Rang 1 leis An M. Emer, a léirigh Scéal na Nollag i bhfoirm dráma don ócáid.

All of the children from 1st to 6th class took part in the annual carol service on Wednesday last in our parish church. It was a lovely evening, with the many of children playing their traditional instruments and the entire group singing both the older carols such as “Away in a Manger” and “Silent Night” as well as newer ones. Special mention must go to An M. Emer’s first class, who presented the Nativity Play on the night.

Tá ticéid don chrannchur bhliantúil ar díol faoi láthair, teilifís le buachaint mar an phríomh dhuais agus an-dúil ag gach duine inti! Tá go leor duaiseanna fiúntacha eile ar fáil freisin – cístí, maróga agus ciseáin líonta le rogha is togha de bhia blasta ina measc.

D’eagraigh Coiste na gCairde maisiú brioscaí do na ranganna go léir. Chabhraigh páistí Rang 6 na brioscaí a bhácáil i seomra Eacnamaíocht Bhaile an Ghaelcholáiste, faoi stiúr Kate, an múinteoir Eacnamaíocht Bhaile agus le cabhair ó bhaill an choiste.

Tickets for the annual Christmas raffle are now on sale, where the top prize is a television, much coveted by everyone! There are lots of other lovely prizes to be one, with Christmas treats such as cakes, pudding and mini-hampers on offer too.

The Cairde committee organised the cookie decorating for all classes. Pupils in Rang 6 helped out by baking cookies in the Gaelcholáiste Home Economics room, under the supervision of some of the committee and the Gaelcholaiste Home Economics teacher, Kate.

Cuireann saothar ealaíne na Nollag atá déanta ag páistí na Gaelscoile go mór leis an atmaisféar sa scoil faoi láthair. Rinne Jean Robertson, mamaí Liam Óg, sár-obair agus fuinneoga oifig na scoile maisithe go spraiúil aici agus tá máinséar na scoile ar taispeáint ar phríomh shiúltá na scoile freisin.

Chaitheamar dhá thráthnóna ag buscáil ar son an bhrainse áitiúil de Chumann N. Uinsean de Pól. Is deis álainn í seo do na páistí cabhrú leo siúd atá ar an ngannchuid.

Táimid páirteach arís sa tionscadal Twitter #Nollaigarscoil, bígí ag faire amach d’ár gcuid oibre! Léiríonn an pictiúr thíos cuid de pháistí Sheomra 4 agus iad ag súgradh go samhailteach ar théama na Nollag mar chuid den chlár Aistear.

The corridors and classrooms are looking very festive with the children’s work on display all around the school. Jean Robinson, mother of Liam Óg, painted the windows around the school reception area and our beautiful crib is now on display too.

The annual busking for charity, supporting our local St. Vincent de Paul, took place over two evenings. it is a great opportunity for the children to use their talents to help those less well off.

Once again, we are taking part in the Twitter #Nollaigarscoil project, so keep an eye out for our work!
The picture below shows some of the children in Seomra 4 engaged in imaginative role play on the Christmas theme as part of the Aistear Programme.