Ghléas comhphobal na Gaelscoile (agus roinnt tuismitheoirí san áireamh!) i bhfeistis iontacha cruthaitheacha. Bhí seomraí ranga agus siúltáin na scoile maisithe go healaíonta ag na ranganna éagsúla. Chabhraigh lucht na hIdirbhliana a bhí ar taithí oibre linn chun gníomhachtaí spóirt, bunaithe ar théama Oíche Shamhna, dos na ranganna sóisearacha agus ina theannta sin, bhain gach duine taitneamh as na cluichí traidisiúnta!
Bhíomar an-sásta páirt a ghlacadh i #SamhainarScoil a thug deis do scoileanna ar fud na tíre an spraoi a roinnt lena chéile. I ngnéith eile de Twitter, roinn cuid d’ár bpáistí a gcuid filíochta as Gaeilge le scoileanna eile chomh maith.

Children and staff alike (and even some of the parents) joined in the costume fun with some really creative outfits.
Throughout the school, the various classes had decorated their classrooms and the corridors with Hallowe’en art and craft. Our Work Experience Transition Year students even created Hallowe’en themed PE activities for the younger classes whilst the traditional games such as bobbing for apples weren’t forgotten about either!
We very much enjoyed being part of the twitter hashtag #SamhainarScoil which allowed primary schools all over the country to share their fun. In another Hallowe’en twitter project, some of our students shared their Irish poetry with other schools too.

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