Ghlac trí fhoireann scoile páirt i gcéad Léag Scoile na mBailte, eagraithe ag Leo Mc Gough ó Chlub Setanta. Shiúil píobaire ó Bhanna Phíobairí Cheatharlach os comhair na bhfoirne, rud a chuir go mór leis an ócáid.
Thug na cailíní sinsir leo an chraobh i Roinn A, agus bhí an mí-adh le foireann na sóisear nuair a chaill siad ag an scór deireanach i gCraobh Roinn B. Bhuaigh na buachaillí a gcraobh freisin, deireadh iontach le cúrsaí spóirt na Gaelscoile i mbliana!

We had three teams in total involved in the finals of the first ever Urban Schools League, organised by Leo McGough of Setanta. The teams paraded behind a piper from Carlow Pipe Band before each final, making the occasion even more special.
Our senior girls won the A final , whilst the juniors were unlucky to be beaten by a last minute score in the B final. The boys also won their final, making a great end of the sporting year here in the Gaelscoil!

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