Bhí trí fhoireann chamógaíochta agus foireann iománaíochta páirteach in aghaidh foirne ó scoileanna eile an bhaile le déanaí I sraitheanna faoi dhíon, eagraithe ag Leo ó chlub Setanta. D’éirigh le ceann d’ár bhfoirne chailíní an chéad áit a bhaint amach agus léirigh an dá fhoireann eile spiorad agus scil iontach freisin. Tháinig foireann na mbuachaillí sa dara háit ina gcomórtas.
Three camogie teams and a hurling team took to the boards recently to compete against other urban schools in the finals of the indoor blitzes organized by Leo from the Setanta club. One of our girls’ teams was the outright winner and the other two teams gave a great account of themselves too whilst the boys were runners up in the finals.

The winning girls’ team above. Thanks to Dermot O’ Brien for the camogie images.

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