Tá an tuairisc foilsithe anois agus cuireann Bord Bainistíochta, Foireann na Scoile agus Cumann na dTuismitheoirí i nGaelscoil Eoghain Uí Thuairisc fáilte roimh thorthaí na tuairisce. Táimid an–bhródúil as an moladh a tugadh don atmaisféar fáilteach agus don obair chreidiúnach feasacht a dhéantar don chultúr Gaelach sa scoil, chomh maith leis an mbainistíocht dícheallach agus ghníomhach, an sárchleachtas sa mhúinteoireacht agus gnóthachtáíl na ndaltaí atá ar ard chaighdeán, mar a d’aithin an chigireacht.

Is iad seo a leanas príomh-láidreachtaí obair na scoile:

  • “Cothaítear atmaisféar fáilteach sa scoil agus déantar obair chreidúnach feasacht don chultúr Gaelach a chothú.”
  • “Tá an bord bainistíochta gníomhach, dícheallach agus tiomanta do shainmheon agus d’obair na scoile.”
  • “Léiríonn an príomhoide ceannasaíocht an-mhaith agus scileanna bainistíochta atá oscailte agus tuisceanach.”
  • “Feidhmíonn an fhoireann scoile go gairmiúil, díograiseach ar son leas na ndaltaí.”
  • “Tá samplaí de shár-chleachtais sa mhúinteoireacht le sonrú tríd an scoil.”
  • “Tá gnóthachtáil na ndaltaí ar ard chaighdeán agus tá a ndea-iompar, a suim agus a n-iarrachtaí chun foghlama le moladh.”
  • “Tugann na tuismitheoirí an-tacaíocht don scoil.”

Cuireann sé áthas faoi leith orainn gur aithin an foireann na cigireachta na gnéithe seo a leanas:

“Tá samplaí de shár-chleachtais sa mhúinteoireacht le sonrú tríd an scoil”

“Láidreacht ar leith is ea an fhoireann teagaisc a fheidhmíonn go gairmiúil, díograiseach ar son leas na ndaltaí.”

“Cruthaítear atmaisféar an-chomhbhách sa scoil agus déantar freastal tairbheach ar daltaí le riachtanais éagsúla.Cuirtear béim ar fhorbairt phearsanta na ndaltaí, a bhféin-mhuinín agus tugtar tacaíocht do dhaltaí le riachtanais foghlama éagsúla, daltaí ar ard-chumas san áireamh.”

“Cabhraíonn na tuismitheoirí agus coiste na dtuismitheoirí, Coiste na gCairde, go mór le saol na scoile. Cothaítear dea-chaidreamh idir na tuismitheoirí agus na múinteoirí agus roinntear eolas leathan ar thuismitheoirí maidir le cúrsaí scoile.”

Cuirimid fáilte roimh mholtaí na cigireachta mar chuid d’fhorbairt leanúnach na scoile.

The resulting report has been published and the Board of Management, staff and Parents’ Association in Gaelscoil Eoghain Uí Thuairisc welcome the findings. We are very proud of the praise given to the welcoming atmosphere and to the creditable work done to foster an awareness of Irish culture in the school, as well as the hard-working, active management, the excellent practice in teaching and the high standard of pupil achievement, as identified by the Inspectorate.

The following are some of the main strengths of the work of the school, as identified during the WSE:

  • “A welcoming atmosphere is created in the school and creditable work is done to foster an awareness of Irish Culture.”
  • ” The Board of Management is active, hard working and dedicated to the vision and work of the school.”
  • ” The principal displays very good leadership and management skills which are open and considerate.”
  • “The teaching staff work professionally and diligently in the interest of the pupils.”
  • “Examples of excellent practice in teaching are evident throughout the school. “
  • “Pupils achieve a high standard and their good behaviour, their interest and their efforts to learn are praiseworthy.”
  • ” Parents strongly support the school.”

We are particularly pleased that the team of inspectors recognises that:

“Examples of excellent practice in teaching are evident throughout the school,”

“The members of the teaching staff are a particular strength as they work professionally and diligently in the interest of the pupils. The school environment is organised in a very inspiring and attractive manner.”

“A very caring atmosphere is fostered in the school and pupils with varying needs are well catered for. An emphasis is placed on the pupils’ personal development and their self confidence and pupils with differing educational needs, including gifted pupils, are given support.”

“The parents and the parents’ committee, Coiste na gCairde, make a great contribution to school life. A good relationship is maintained between parents and teachers and extensive information is shared with parents in relation to school matters. The results of the questionnaires show that almost all parents are very happy with the range of schoolmatters including the atmosphere, welcome, management and teaching.”

We welcome the recommendations of the inspectorate as part of our school’s continuous development.