Agus deireadh na scoilbhliana sroichte againn, bliain a bhí sáite in éagsúlacht de ghníomhachtaí suimiúla, déanaimid comhghairdeas le foireann na gcailíní a bhuaigh corn peile Ghlór na nGael, le foireann chispheile na mbuachaillí a bhuaigh an chraobh agus le foireann na mbuachaillí a shroich an chraobh i gComórtas Peile Ghlór na nGael le déanaí chomh maith.
In what has been a wonderful year of physical activity here in the Gaelscoil, we offer congratulations to the girls who won the Glór na nGael Gaelic girls’ football title recently and to the boys who won the basketball finals. The boys were also runners up in boys’ Glór na nGael competition.

We place a strong emphasis on “sport for all “in our school and whilst it is wonderful to win competitions, we promote healthy habits for all of our pupils. Thanks to Johnny Nevin and Brendan Hayden who organised and ran a football blitz for all of the boys and girls in 4th and 5th class last Friday. The children from first and second class had their blitz today, thanks to Mark Carpenter from the O’ Hanrahan’s club.
Well done to Sophie Ní Chatháin who was selected to play in the primary Gaelic football game held at half time in Dr.Cullen Park during the recent championsip game between Meath and Carlow.
We got to try out some rowing machines in the school hall this week. Thanks to Kathryn for organising the experience. We also had Zumba classes again this week!
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