Thug Rang 6 aghaidh ar Cho. Mhuigh Eo inné, áit a gcaithfidh siad ceithre lá is trí oíche. Fanfaidh siad i dtithe áitiúla agus beidh siad an-ghnóthach gach lá le héagsúlacht leathan d’imeachtaí, idir ghníomhachtaí cultúrtha, ghníomhachtaí uisce, spórt is scléip.
Rang 6 headed west to Co. Mayo yesterday, where they will spend three nights and four days. They are staying with local Irish speaking families and will have action packed days filled with a variety of cultural and aquatic activities as well as lots of fun!
Tá Gaelscoil Eoghain Uí Thuairisc roghnaithe arís i mbliana mar thoscairí an chontae chun páirt a ghlacadh i bhféile Peile Chúighe Laighin a bheidh ar siúl i Rath Chairn, Co. na Mí. Caithfidh siad dhá lá agus oíche as baile. Gnéith shontasach den chomórtas seo is ea go gcaithfidh ceathrar cailíní ar a laghad a bheith ar an bpáirc imeartha i gcónaí. Is trua go bhfuil peileadóirí Rang 6 i nGaeltacht Mhuigh Eo ag an am céanna ach is cinnte go ndéanfaidh ár bpeileadóirí níos óige a seacht ndícheall ar son na Gaelscoile.
We are delighted that the Gaelscoil has once again been chosen to represent Co. Carlow in the Leinster Gaelic Football Féile that will be held in Rath Chairn, Co. Meath. They will spend two days and a night away from home. A unique aspect of this nine-a-side competition is that at least four girls must be on the playing field at all times. It is unfortunate that our Rang 6 footballers are in Mayo, but we have no doubt that the younger footballers will give it their all and do their very best.

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