Ta deireadh an téarma buailte linn agus táimid an-ghnóthach ag ullmhú don Nollaig. Míle buíochas leis na múinteoirí ar fad as an Seirbhís Carúl álainn a eagrú agus le gach duine a bhí linn ar an oíche.
Tá an scoil maisithe go hálainn le hobair ealaíne na Nollag den scoth ar taispeáint faoi láthair. Tá na páistí gafa le maisiú de shaghas eile freisin.Tá an deis ag gach páiste páirt a ghlacadh i gceardlann speisialta ina bhfuil maisiú á dhéanamh ar bhrioscaí Nollag, chomh maith leis an deis iad a ithe ina dhiaidh sin! Buíochas mór leis na tuismitheoirí go léir a d’eagraigh é seo.
Bhí crannchur na Nollag againn ar an Déardaoin ag thíos, tá grianghraf de na buaiteoirí. Ár mbuíochas le gach duine a rinne urraíocht ar na duaiseanna iontacha.

The term is almost over and we are busily preparing for Christmas. Thank you to all of our teachers for the beautiful Carol Service they prepared and to all who attended.
The school is looking very festive with all the Christmas art work on display. Our children are also busy with a different type of decorating. Each child had the opportunity to decorate Christmas cookies and enjoyed eating the resulting work of art! Thanks to the parents who organised this activity for the pupils.
The Christmas raffle was held on Thursday and the winners are pictured above,special thanks to all the sponsors who gave such generous prizes for it.
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