Mar chuid den cheiliúradh 30 bliain, bhí taispeántas ealaíne na bpáistí i Halla de Róiste ar an gCéadaoin seo caite. Bhí na sluaite i láthair agus gach duine an-thógtha leis an ard-chaighdeán a bhí sroichte i ngach pictiúr. ‘Sí Bríde de Róiste, céad phríomhoide na scoile, a d’fhógair an taispeántas oscailte, beo ó stiuídeo KCLR agus ghearr an Múinteoirí Ruairí, a bhí mar dhalta sa chéad rang sa scoil, an ribín os comhair an tslua. Buíochas ó chroí le gach duine a chabhraigh linn chun an ócáid fíor-speisialta seo a reachtáil.

As part of our 30 years celebrations, we held a children’s art exhibition in Halla de Róiste last Wednesday evening. The was a very large crowd in attendance and everyone was very impressed with the exceptionally high standard of artwork on display. Bríde de Róiste, the first principal of the school , ‘virtually’ opened the exhibition live on air from the KCLR studios and the ribbon was cut by An Múinteoir Ruairí who was a pupil in the school’s very first class. Sincere thanks to all who helped make this special evening such a great success.