Ba mhór an fháilte a chuir muintir na Gaelscoile roimh na buaiteoirí inné! Tháinig páistí uile na scoile le chéile chun éisteach le scéalta faoin mbua sontasach, an sár-iarracht a bhain leis agus an tabhachtach a bhaineann le do dhícheall a dhéanamh le gach gnéith de chúrsaí spóirt. Bhí áthas an domhain ar phainéal camógaíochta na scoile grianghraf a ghlacadh le leis na haíonna speisialta agus sheas siad mar gharda onóra chun cur leis an ócáid, gach duine acu gléasta i ngeansaithe an chontae nó i ngeansaithe a gcumainn chamógaíochta féin.
Timid ag súil go n-éireoidh le foirne Cheatharlach go leor corn a bhreith leo amach anseo agus go mbeidh cailíní na Gaelscoile ina measc. Buíochas ó chroí le gach duine a thug cuairt orainn inné!
The Gaelscoil was en-fete yesterday to welcome the champions! Every child in the school attended a special assembly to hear our heroines speak of their great win, the huge commitment involved and the importance of being a good sportsperson. The Gaelscoil camogie panel members were thrilled to be photographed with the guests and formed a guard of honour to add to the occasion, each girl sporting their club or county jersey.
We hope that this All- Ireland title will be the first of many for the Carlow women, and that in the future the Gaelscoil camógs will be among the medal winners! Many thanks to the panel members and other dignitaries for taking the time to visit.
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