Lasamar na coinnle ar Fhleasc na hAidbhinte gach seachtain, mar chuid den ullmhúchán don Nollaig. Bhí Seirbhís Charúl na scoile ar siúl ar an gCéadaoin, 16ú Nollaig. Bhí deis ag páistí Rang 3 – Rang 6 dul ar faoistin ar an la céanna.
Ghlac slua ollmhór d’ár bpáistí páirt I mbuscáil bliantúil carthannachta na Nollag. Bhailíomar €450 don chraobh áitiúil de Chumann N. Uinseann de Pól.
Chuireamar fáilte mhór roimh aisteoirí West Midland Children’s Theatre a chuir léiriú iontach de “Beauty and the Beast” ar fáil don scoil uile, a bhuíochas leis na bailiúcháin dheonacha.
D’éirigh lenár bhfoirne iománaíochta agus camógaíochta na craobhacha a shroichint arís i mbliana i gcomórtais Chumann na mBunscol faoi dhíon. Rinne TG4 craoladh ar chlár “SOS” – Sos ó Scoil – a raibh craoladh déanta air anseo sa scoil níos luaithe i mbliana. D’éirigh leis An M. Ruairí an bua a fháil ar son na múinteoirí nuair a bhuaigh sé ar Lauren Nic Gearailt i gcluiche chaitheamh liathríóidí!
D’éirigh thar barr le crannchur na Nollag agus táimid fíor-bhuíoch d’ár n-urruithe go léir. Buíochas freisn le coiste Cairde na Gaelscoile a d’eagraigh an maisiú brioscaí, ceann d’ócáidí speisialta na scoile gach bliain.
Is féidir teacht ar shampla de ghníomhachtaí na Gaelscoile ag an am seo den bhliain tré bhrú anseo.

As part of our preparation for Christmas, we lit the candles each week on our Advent Wreath. The school carol service was held on Wednesday the 16th of December. A penitential service for pupils from Rang 3 to Rang 6 took place on the same day.
A huge number of our pupils took part in the annual Christmas busking for charity to raise funds for the local branch of St. Vincent de Paul.
We welcomed the West Midland Children’s Theatre who performed “Beauty and the Beast” for the entire school, courtesy of our voluntary collections.
Both our camogie and hurling teams reached the finals of the Cumann na mBunscol indoor finals again this year.
TG4 broadcast the programme of “SOS- Sos ón Scoil” recorded here in the Gaelscoil earlier this year. An M. Ruairí won the challenge where he overcame Lauren Nic Gearailt in a ball throwing game to win the honours for the teaching staff!
The Christmas raffle was a great success, we would like to thank the sponsors for their generosity.
Another part of the Gaelscoil Christmas tradition is the cookie decorating held each year at this time, many thanks to the Cairde committee who helped organise this very popular activity !
Some images capturing the Christmas magic around the school may be found here.
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