Mar go mbíonn páistí na Gaelscoile chomh gafa le réimhse leathan de chúrsaí spóirt, tá  an-áthas orainn go bhfuil trí sheit de gheansaithe nua faighte ag an scoil – seit do na buachaillí, seit do na cailíní agus seit don chispheil. Táimid fíor-bhuíoch dár n-urraithe Dooley Motors agus Hayden Doyle Accountants.

Due to the wide and varied range of sports in which our school participates, we we delighted to receive three custom made sets of sports jerseys, one for the boys, one for the girls and a unisex basketball strip. We are most grateful to our sponsors  Dooley Motors and Hayden Doyle Accountants.
