Ag Cabhrú le do Pháiste

Ag Moladh Do Pháiste- Clic anseo.

Ag cabhrú le do phaiste sna naíonáin mhora agus bheaga

Ag Súgradh le do leanaí óga 5-6 bliana


Tearmaí Téarmaí matamaitice

Deicheanna agus aonaid

Cruthanna 2t


Ag dealú le deicheanna agus aonaid


Rainn agus Amhráin

Uimhreacha 1-19

English Reading

Dolch Words

The most common words in English reading, many of these words are not phonetically regular so must be learned by sight. Some helpful games may be found here:

Free games and resources to help learn these “sightwords

Jolly Phonics sound strip Printable phonics strip with sounds/pictures

Jolly Phonics actions (Printable list)

Jolly Phonics Audio Clip

“Irish Times” article on spelling